
The BUCHEN-ICS Group’s locations

The whole picture – with just a single click. Find out here where our branches are located, what services they offer and how to contact them.

BUCHEN-ICS’ business locations

The REMONDIS Group’s business locations

The addresses of all of the REMONDIS companies and branches can be found at:

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Photo credits for the BUCHEN-ICS website

In the following list you will find the photo credits for the photos used on our website. They are mentioned in the order in which the images are placed on the corresponding sub-page from top to bottom.

Image 1: Adobestock, 361008879, creator: hiv360

About us
Image 1: Adobestock, 265068613, creator: Mike Mareen
Image 2: Adobestock, 289273518, creator: Enrique del Barrio
Image 3–4 : ©REMONDIS

Image 1: Adobestock, 289273518, creator: Enrique del Barrio

Image 1: ©REMONDIS

Corporate Group
Image 1–2: ©REMONDIS

Image 1: AdobeStock, 254285671, creator: Antonio Herrera
Image 2: AdobeStock, 301340933, creator: hiv360
Image 3: ©REMONDIS

Silo cleaning
Image 1: AdobeStock, 301340933, creator: hiv360
Image 2–4: ©REMONDIS

Catalyst handling
Image 1: ©REMONDIS
Image 2: ©REMONDIS

Image 1: Fotolia, 46870493, creator: TTstudio
Image 2: Fotolia, 33356071, creator: Kalle Kolodziej
Image 3: ©REMONDIS

Silo cleaning technology
Image 1: Fotolia, 33356071, creator: Kalle Kolodziej
Image 2–4: ©REMONDIS

Catalyst handling technology
Image 1–6: ©REMONDIS

Image 1: ©Steinbach Fotografie, Silvia Kroeger-Steinbach
Image 2: ©cosmonaut

Business locations
Image 1: AdobeStock, 280194403, creator: Andrii Yalanskyi

Image 1: ©REMONDIS

Brochures & certificates
Image 1: iStock, 21867120, creator: Peshkova

BUCHEN-ICS Ltd. // A company of the REMONDIS Group